Teaching materials to combat anti-Semitism Collection home page

This collection includes customized country versions of the teaching materials to combat anti-Semitism, developed together with local partners.

OSCE participating States have committed* themselves to promoting educational programmes for combating anti-Semitism, and the OSCE ODIHR works to offer them advice in their efforts. To do so, ODIHR develops tools and educational materials. One of the tools developed in cooperation with the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and national experts from 14 OSCE participating States are teaching materials to combat anti-Semitism that deal with a variety of aspects of this phenomenon.

Divided into three parts, the materials cover different aspects of anti-Semitism:
Part 1 examines the specific national, as well as the broader European history of anti-Semitism;
Part 2 addresses the contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism in the particular country and across Europe;
Part 3 deals with anti-Semitism in the context of general issues such as prejudice, racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
A comprehensive guide for teachers complements the materials.

This collection includes customised country versions of the teaching materials, developed together with local partners.

*Ministerial Council Decision No. 12 / 04, Tolerance and Non-discrimination, Sofia, 7 December 2004: Ministerial Council Decision No. 10/05, Tolerance and Non-discrimination: Promoting Mutual Respect and Understanding, Ljubljana, 6 December 2005.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2018Наставни материјал за борбу против антисемитизма [Serbia]Koljanin, Milan ; Pisari, Milovan ; Stanišić, Miško ; Todosijević, Aleksandar ; Anne Frank House ; OSCE ODIHR 
2015Rasismin ja antisemitismin vastainen oppimateriaali yläkouluille ja toiselle asteelle [Finland]University of Helsinki 
Dec-2010Undervisningsmaterial om antisemitism [Sweden]OSCE ODIHR ; Living History Forum ; Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism (SCAA) 
25-Nov-2010Teaching materials to combat anti-Semitism : factsheetOSCE ODIHR 
2010Munkafüzet a diszkriminációról, rasszizmusról és az antiszemitizmusról [Hungary]OSCE ODIHR 
2009Nastavni materijali za povijest Zidova i antisemitizma u Europi [Croatia]OSCE ODIHR ; Education and Teacher Training Agency (AZOO) 
2009Macibu materiali par diskriminaciju, rasismu un antisemitismu [Latvia]OSCE ODIHR ; Valsts izglitibas satura centrs (VISC) 
2009Mokomoji priemone apie diskriminacija, rasizma ir antisemitizma [Lithuania]OSCE ODIHR ; Vilnius University. Vilnius Yiddish Institute 
Nov-2008Materiały edukacyjne na temat historii Żydów i antysemityzmu w Europie [Poland]OSCE ODIHR 
21-Aug-2008Intolerance i Europa - før og nu (Intolerance in Europe - before and now) [Denmark]OSCE ODIHR ; Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). Department for Holocaust and Genocide Studies 
30-May-2008Antisemitismus in Europa : Vorurteile in Geschichte und Gegenwart [Germany]OSCE ODIHR 
Mar-2008Навчальні матеріали з протидії дискримінації, расизму й антисемітизму [Ukraine]OSCE ODIHR 
2008Vzdelávacie materiály o diskriminácii, rasizme a antisemitizme [Slovakia]Hradská, Jana ; Dráľ, Peter ; Šimečku, Nadácia Milana ; Anne Frank House ; OSCE ODIHR Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department (TND) 
30-Mar-2007Teaching materials to combat anti-Semitism (English language template)OSCE ODIHR 
2007Antisemitisme : oude en nieuwe vooroordelen [Netherlands]
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15